Elections on the local level also make a difference. Especially the school boards. Real (not rino) God fearing Christian conservatives need to take over every school board in this nation. This is where the brainwashing and destruction of the next generation starts. This is one area the left has already done and succeeded at . I think this is a good area to start to take back. We must remember to pray to God! With regard to the fortress strategy. Unknowingly, that is exactly what I did when I left CA for TN. When in CA I voted against liberals and regularly contacted the elected officials I didn't vote for to no avail. Conservative viewpoints are largely ignored or politely via emails the error of our ways. I have continued to contact my representatives over all the issues I can. Hopefully TN stays a fortress and strengthens. may God unite us and strengthen us and give us victory to put this country back on track towards Him.

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Beautifully said! Thank you for this!

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Leaving Seattle for Arizona WAS our fortress strategy...sadly, only lasted a couple years.

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May I suggest Texas? .....

Seriously, another reason to fight back more effectively is that the map of potential fortresses shrinks with every passing year of inaction and ineffective leadership.

Hang in there, appreciate the feedback!

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I absolutely no longer give to RNC. I only donate to specific people I support. I’m not a cash cow for these losers..

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I am catching up on reading;thank you for best analysis and what we must do to save the God blessed country we love;thank you for nailing "conservative" organizations I trusted,donated to for many years😢started giving to individuals after 2016,RNC did not support,tried to choose folks I hoped strong believers & courage to fight for us.

Honesty scarce,courage seems more so.Pray you are right re:saving USA.Blessings on you & yours🙏

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